$(document).ready(function(){ // Resize the header logo to match the height of the header nav (if over 120px) var headerLogoHeight = $('#header-logo a span').first().outerHeight(); var headerNavHeight = $('#header nav').first().outerHeight(); if (headerNavHeight >= 120) { $('#header-logo a span').height(headerNavHeight); // Adjust the header logo $('#header-title').css('marginTop',headerNavHeight-90); // Adjust the header title (if it exists) } // Initialize jQuery Uniform $("input, textarea, select, button.button").uniform(); // Work > Index code if($('#work-index').length != 0) { var pageTitle = document.title; // Store the initial page title, since it will change as the user interacts with the page $('head').append(''); // As the page loads, add Facebook meta tags $('a.iframe').fancybox({ centerOnScroll: true, height: 355, // 535:355 overlayColor: '#fcfcfa', overlayOpacity: '0.94', padding: 0, speedIn: 300, speedOut: 100, width: 630, // 950:630 // When a Fancybox is opened, we need to store a bunch of vars, insert "share this" code above the video, and add new meta data to the page. onComplete: function( links, index ){ var self = $(links[index]); // Store the currently active video's link var title = self.find('.title').first().text(); // Get the video's title var urlTitle = self.attr('rel'); // Get the video's URL title var image = self.find('img').first().attr('src'); // Get the URL of the video's image placeholder var block = $('#fancybox-wrap'); // Find the Fancybox element that we need to add "share this" code to. var permalinkCode = ''; // Permanent link to this video var tweetButtonCode = '
  • Tweet
  • '; // Twitter "Tweet" button var likeButtonCode = '
  • '; // Facebook "Like" button document.title = title+' - '+pageTitle; // Prepend the page title with the current video's title block.outerHeight(block.outerHeight()+30); // Adjust the Fancybox's height to make room for the new code block.css('top',block.position().top-50); // Adjust the Fancybox's vertical position to make room for the new code block.prepend(''; // Insert the new code $.getScript("http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"); // Load Twitter's widjet JS file // Add a bunch of meta tag data for Facebook $('meta[property=og:title]').attr('content',title); $('meta[property=og:type]').attr('content','article'); $('meta[property=og:image]').attr('content',image); $('meta[property=og:url]').attr('content','http://creoproductions.com/work/'+urlTitle+'/'); $('meta[property=og:site_name]').attr('content','Creo Productions'); return false; }, // Return the work page to its default state when the user closes Fancybox onClosed: function(){ document.title = pageTitle; // Revert to the initial page title $('#share-page').empty(); // Dump all HTML from the "share this" container $('meta[property=og:title],meta[property=og:type],meta[property=og:image],meta[property=og:url],meta[property=og:site_name]').attr('content',''); // Clear out all values for the Facebook meta tags. return false; } }); // If the Work page has a value in the second URL segment, open that video on page load. var workIndexWrapper = $('#work-index'); var isPermalinkPage = workIndexWrapper.hasClass('permalink'); if(isPermalinkPage){ var targetRel = workIndexWrapper.attr('rel'); $('#work-list a[rel='+targetRel+']').trigger('click'); } } // Hack pasted content and old Blogger text so that all blog posts use our typographic styles $('.content [style]').removeAttr('style'); });